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League of Angels 3 Hack It's the day, you've been waiting for! You are finally old enough to enter the League of Angels 3. Your mom has already given you your account passcode and tells you that she will be calling in a little while. You've seen all these amazing stories about people becoming rich overnight so you give it a try, hoping for some good luck... So what happened? Well let me tell ya. I did this hack to get whatever characters I wanted without having to spend money on them or wait for them to level up naturally. It is very simple just follow these steps: 1) Go into your account "my profile" tab and click "profile". You will see a map of the actual server with all the cities. Then click on your town. When you are at your character's profile turn your PC off, but leave it on standby. 2) Go into the folder where you have the program installed and double click runme.exe or runhack3.exe, then start it up. 3) It will ask you if you want to "Browse Game Files." Click yes and then click open game files, then move back to your main folder and find where you installed League of Angels 3 or found the game files yourself(if no installation was done). 4) Double click the game files and find your game directory. Then open up your League of Angels 3 folder. 5) move to your game directory, then open file1.txt which is the default file in the game. Go to line 61 "www" and change it to "mail." 6) save it and close the text editor, then go back into your League of Angels 3 folder (where you installed your game). Click on startgamegui1.exe. Then click yes when asked if you want to start it or not. Make sure you are in the game folder because it will not work if you are in any other directory except for LoA3. You will get a black screen that says starting, then press alt+tab and go back to your League of Angels 3 folder. A new file will be created, called "accountinfo. bin." You will need this for step 7. 7) Now right click the play button and create a shortcut to startgamegui1.exe. Now go back to your account folder and double click it. You will get a new window that has two tabs on it, one is your character's name and class and the other is info. Look for "authorizekey" on the second tab and copy this info down so you can use it in step 8. It should look something like this: Next part of the hack is finding out the username of your account. cfa1e77820